Harmony Veterinary Center is an essential business and has been open throughout the statewide stay at home orders to assist our patients with essential, non-elective services and procedures. As of April 27th, we are now able to provide all services for your pet.
The Colorado statewide Stay-at-Home order expired on Sunday, April 26, Gov. Jared Polis directed local public health officials to implement data-informed strategies at the local level that best meet the needs of local communities.
Jefferson County, where our practice resides, has extended the stay at home orders until May 8, 2020. Their decision was made after collaboration with public health officials across the entire Denver Metro Area. Read the full Jeffco Public Health (JCPH) order. The new order from JCPH does allow the resumption of curbside non-essential services as well as travel to and from these services. Read JCPH Corona Virus Updates.
What this means for you and your pet is, Harmony Veterinary Center can begin to see your pet for things like wellness exams, annual bloodwork and tests, nail trims, general vaccinations, elective surgery, dentistry and non-life threatening issues causing pain of discomfort to your pet.
Our nurses working from home will be contacting you if you have missed an appointment because of the stay at home orders. They are also contacting clients with appointments that are coming up to help manage the best time for you to get in. We know it is heartworm testing season as well as vaccination season, we are opening blocks in our schedule to specifically manage the back log of services and allow everyone to have access to services in an orderly and timely fashion.
Keeping Everyone Safe
As the pandemic in the USA was ramping up and prior to state wide restrictions HVC was hard at work increasing our bio security protocols and putting systems in place that will take us through the long months ahead, now that COVID-19 is part of the local, state and national landscape.
To keep all of your clients, patients and staff safe here are just a few things we have implemented so you know it is safe to come for curbside service.
• Only staff can enter the clinic. All staff are masked at all times and temperature monitored before entry.
• Staff levels in clinic have reduced to 50% to maintain social distancing guidelines.
• Decontamination protocols for staff attending curbside appointments upon re-entry and exit.
• Nurses and support staff working from home have migrated to a cloud-based medical software to assist in returning phone calls and answering your questions.
• Strict hourly cleaning protocols are in place, including decontamination and clean storage of all resale products entering the clinic.
• UVC air filtration panels have been placed in key areas of the hospital. This ultraviolet light filtration system has a long history of use in avian and human health facilities to kill viruses, bacteria, molds and airborne pathogens 24/7.
• Curbside and video conferencing are in place and working well. We do ask for your patience as this is a slower process. Your medical team will be in contact with you via phone or video chat to keep you informed on what they find. You are always in control and after discussing what is medically recommended for your pet, you provide the authorization to perform what is needed for your pet.
• Touch-less payment for services is taken over the phone.
• Online prescription refills. Delivery to those who need, via post of drop off.
• Extra treats, cuddles and play time are being provided to each patient to relieve their stress about coming inside without their mom or dad.
Resuming Elective Surgery or Dentistry
Our surgical nurses will be in contact with you regarding all elective surgeries.
A note to all regarding these types of services. Most elective surgery or dentistry can be postponed for a period of time. Eventually if not attended to, a larger disease process sets in that causes greater pain and discomfort for your pet. We understand there has been and continues to be an economic impact from the stay at home orders.
As a practice that started in the Great Recession, we want you to know we will work with you, to provide best medical advice and financial strategies to assist your pet in a way that is sensitive to your financial situation. This is an area where we all are truly in this together. Our goal is always work with you to keep your pet safe, healthy and pain free.